Pretty Vitiligo


The Art Print version is now available! You asked for it and it is with great pleasure that I make it available today! ENJOY!

Let's fight for acceptance one Vitiligo at a time! A collection of ART PRINT that aims to raise awareness about Vitiligo.

This collection unites us all, it is for you, for us.

It's about awareness. It's about skin color. It's about differences. It's about natural beauty. It's about feeling good about ourselves. It's about equality. It's about a world without prejudice.

This is your collection: Pretty Vitiligo!

Whoever you are, you can recognize yourself in one of these characters.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease that affects 1% of the population. Men and women are united in this beautiful collection.

Shop through the images to find your favorite Pretty Vitiligo and choose the corresponding number # in the drop-down menu.

Go to: to discover more.

Marie-Claude Asselin’s art

Whether you’re looking for a statement piece or something subtle, I’ve got just the thing for you.

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